MiQlave is a breakthrough solution that empowers patients with expanded choices while sharing their health information with providers – from EMR to prescriptions to diagnostic reports patients can push or pull medical records and documents with care providers in a highly secure and user-friendly smart phone application. The app is HIPPA compliant and FHIR certified.
MiQlave is designed to improve partnership between patients and care providers, the tool empower patients to access and consume healthcare services from across providers with great ease be they hospitals, doctors, diagnostics or payers. MiQlave addresses the complex challenge of interoperability and provides a unique, simple, and secure document sharing process within a care team of doctors by using a print driver and real time approval system. As an add-on feature, the app uses concepts of OCR, NLP & AI to notify patients in case the system evaluates any missed red flags. The decentralized nature of the blockchain combined with digitally signed transactions ensures security of patient data that is entered and transferred on the app.

MiQlave– A Patient mediated Health Information Exchange platform that uses Block Chain Technology
In compliance with the 21st Century Cures Act, MiQlave is a breakthrough solution that empowers patient to upload, share, and maintain his/her health data, in a highly secure and user-friendly smart phone application.